At the time of the release of 14th episode of Magical Crypto Friends, it seems that other encrypted have been reported. As seen in the tweet below, some of the tokens that have been discussed include Basic Attention Token [BAT], Bitcoin Cash [BCH] and his hard fork, BSV, to name less.
Watch Magical Crypto Friends Episode 14: MCF OFAC blacklist.
In this episode: $ BAT, Fork hard BCash $ BCH $ BSV, Bitcoin mining, Bitpay exploit e @BlockstreamThe semplicity. @SatoshiLite @fluffypony @Excellion @WhalePanda https://t.co/2HcxXveM6v– Magical Crypto Friends (@magicalcrypto) December 12, 2018
It is interesting to note that the news of AMB Crypto also covered this story and it seems that the BAT has been considered much more centralized than we might suppose. In particular, it was none other than Fluffypony, also known as Riccardo Spagni, the developer of Monero, who happens to share this point of view on BAT. It trusts this because the controllers are those who determine whether users get their share or not.
According to Spagni's request, BAT effectively strikes one of their funds through a loophole. He also added:
"Scamovation without permission! […] Users will NOT go to buy BAT when their plane tokens will end, no matter how clear they are. "
He also argued that the BAT is scamming to users due to the level of friction present. As food for thought, Spagni wondered if users "(1) would disable ad blocking, (2) pay the publisher or (3) close the card?"
Seeing this, a Twitter user, Patrick, responded to the benefits of the system, in which users have the opportunity to make 70% of the share of revenue generated through advertising. Although Spagni seemed to agree, it was quick to say that "browser lock-in is short-sighted".
Returning to the episode, Spagni was particularly interested in the navigation test together with the KYC / AML process. According to the main developer, the duo is required by users, otherwise the alleged money is taken away.
More specifically, he said:
"I mean it's not […] your again because you have not retired […] At the end of the day it is no different from a database because you know that they control everything, they control the influx of supply in the market, they check if someone legitimately earns it. "
Do you think that users (ie content editors and those who use created content) are reproduced by the BAT system? Let us know why / why not in the comments below.
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