Maduro reveals that Maradona helped him with “secret things” like moving food to Venezuela


The president stressed that the late Argentine star was “courageously loyal”, despite the pressure he received to cut his ties with Caracas.

Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro, revealed on Wednesday that the late Argentine footballer Diego Armando Maradona helped him “in some secret things” to bring food to the South American country, which is suffering the consequences of the economic and financial blockade of the United States. .UU.

“The [Maradona] moved and she helped us with some secret things to bring food for the people of Venezuela. I can say it today. The great Diego waiting for all the details, everything, always, “Maduro said during an official ceremony.

The Venezuelan president underlined this Maradona was courageously loyal to your friendshipdespite the pressure to cut ties. “He told me that once someone very powerful approached him and offered him contracts, a signature and advertising, but asked him to leave Venezuela and Maduro, and invited him to take his signature and go to hell. “he said.

According to Maduro, a banker also threatened Maradona to freeze all his accounts for his friendship with Venezuela and the Bolivarian revolution. “He told me: ‘I will never break my oath of faithfulness and true friendship. Until death I will go withyour‘. So it was. Thanks Diego, where are you, thanks. “

The president of Venezuela he transmitted his feeling of solidarity and accompaniment to the family of Maradona, to the Argentine people and to the president, Alberto Fernández. “I spoke on the phone with Matías, one of his assistants, and I specifically instructed him to convey the condolences of the Venezuelan people,” he said.

Maduro fires Maradona as "an unconditional brother and friend of Venezuela"

The president said the last time he spoke to Maradona was his birthday (October 30). “I felt shocked and desperate about the pandemic issue, He had already declared that this pandemic was unbearable, he had to spend every day in quarantine and this made him very sad, so he told me “.

Finally, Maduro called Maradona’s death one of the most difficult moments of his life. “A hard blow to our feelings, a crushing blow, it’s really heartbreaking“said the Head of State.” Diego Armando was a great friend and brother of our commander Chávez, “he added.

Maradona visited Caracas on January 21st, when he met with Maduro and participated for three days in various activities related to the Sao Paulo Forum.

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