Lungs of Covid-19 survivors were scanned with a new method 3 months later, damage was found.


In the study, lung damage was found in 8 out of 10 patients who suffered from “shortness of breath” and “fatigue” after 3 months.

Lungs of Covid-19 survivors were scanned with a new method 3 months later, damage was found.

Damage was found in the lungs of patients infected with the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19), who were examined with a new screening method after 3 months.

According to the BBC report, Oxford University scientists scanned the lungs of 10 patients aged 19 to 69 with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using xenon gas.

Signs of lung damage were seen in 8 of the patients who inhaled xenon gas during the scan, who said they were short of breath.

It was claimed that patients complained of “shortness of breath” and “fatigue” 3 months after Covid-19 infection, but none of them had been taken to ICU or needed ventilation during the infection.


The experts also pointed out that lung damage in patients cannot be detected with traditional screening methods.

‘I was expecting some form of lung damage, but not at the level we found,’ said Professor Fergus Gleeson, who led the study. made his assessment.

Gleeson and his team plan to screen 100 people to determine whether similar results will be found in people who weren’t hospitalized during Covid-19 infection and didn’t show severe symptoms.


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