Low vitamin D in 80% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients


The body of research examining the relationship between vitamin D and COVID-19 is growing. Now, a recently published study confirms a correlation between low vitamin D levels and SARS-CoV-2 infection, and healthcare professionals are theorising whether supplementing vitamin D could increase the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Key findings

“Vitamin D status in hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection” appeared in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism last month, confirming a relationship between low vitamin D levels and hospitalization due to COVID-19. The main findings of the study are:

  • Serum 25OHD was significantly lower in hospitalized COVID-19 patients than population-based controls of similar age and sex
  • Vitamin D levels were remarkably low in male patients hospitalized for COVID-19
  • There was no association between vitamin D level and infection severity as measured by ICU admission, the need for mechanical ventilation, or mortality

Study methods

The current study was a retrospective case-control study with 216 COVID-19 patients and 197 population-based controls. The researchers measured serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) in both groups.

Case-control studies are particularly useful for studying outbreaks. They allow the researcher to determine whether a certain result, in this case, hospitalization for COVID-19, is related to a particular exposure, such as low vitamin D levels.

A growing body of research points to vitamin D levels.

Other researchers have found a connection between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 infections.

For example, Meltzer and colleagues found that “the positive test for COVID-19 was associated with increasing age (up to 50), non-white race and probable vitamin D deficiency.” COVID-19 rates were predicted to be 21.6% in the vitamin D deficient group compared to 12.2% in the sufficient group.

Two months ago, Kaufman, Niles, Kroll, Bi, and Holick showed that the positive test for COVID-19 was inversely associated with vitamin D levels. In other words, there was a significant relationship between low vitamin D levels and results. positive from the COVID-19 test. The association they found “persisted across latitudes, races / ethnicities, both genders and age groups.”

The link between vitamin D and respiratory problems is nothing new, so it’s no surprise that there is a real relationship between vitamin D insufficiency and COVID-19 infection.

Will vitamin D come to the rescue?

The question is, can adequate levels of vitamin D work to our advantage? Is it possible to use sufficient levels of the vitamin to improve COVID-19 results or increase the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine? Future research will undoubtedly attempt to answer these questions.

It’s not a bad idea to check your vitamin D level, in the meantime, and until we know more, especially if you live in the Northern Hemisphere where there isn’t enough sunlight between November and March for vitamin synthesis. D in the body.

The Mayo Clinic recommends that children up to twelve months of age receive 400 IU of vitamin D, 600 IU for those between 1 and 70, and 800 IU for people over the age of 70.

You will find Vitamin D in fatty fish (e.g., salmon), fortified products (e.g., orange juice, cereals), cheese and egg yolks, among other items.

Supplementation can help prevent vitamin D deficiency, but speak to your doctor before supplementing with vitamin D.

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