love, money and work from 23 to 29 November


Scorpio (born between October 23rd and November 22nd): On Monday 23rd, you will notice that you have a very courageous attitude and also that your behavior will be constant and you will pursue until the end to get what you have in mind. This will give you a lot of confidence in your abilities and in yourself. You can take advantage of it so that a great regeneration takes place, in your personality and in the environment in which you live.

On Tuesday 24th, you will realize that your great power lies in the commitment you have with the people you really care about, and also in your great inner vision and “sixth sense”, which today will be highly developed. This way you will have many tools that will help you choose the best options and the right decisions.

On Wednesday 25th you will have a good combination of aspects that will facilitate everything you need to do. And that at the same time they will provide you with their energy and support at key moments. And you will also have influences that will lay the groundwork for promising actions for later, which is what you always have in mind, to achieve peace of mind.

On Thursday 26th you will notice that your emotional bonds are very intense and that your feelings will be overwhelmed by events you don’t understand. You will have to open up more to that other invisible world around you. And it will be the great secret that will open your eyes to the true reality of your existence and your life. And it will help you a lot in this life.

On Friday 27th, you will be able to rely on your most important qualities and skills to use them in your social projections. The only thing you need to keep at bay is an energy that is too out of place in certain circumstances and that you won’t be able to master. So, as you already know, you should take this into account and prevent it over time.

Saturday 28th is a day when it is very important that you enjoy all that life has to offer. Think that every moment is unique. And that, if you don’t take advantage of it, it won’t happen again. Time goes by and if you don’t travel at its own pace, it will go away and you will have wasted those magical moments. It is important that you stop, sometimes to admire the beauty of life.

And, on Sunday 29th, you will have more facilities to feel encouraged and to be able to adapt to the different methods you need to change in your life. Which means that as long as you can fix everything quickly and effectively, it will be welcome. So have fun and be thankful for this day that will help you solve many problems.

So far the weekly horoscope of Scorpio. Do you want to know how a family member will behave at work? Want to know if a friend should have a checkup or if it’s a good week for “that” person to find love? EL ESPAÑOL brings you the rest of this week’s horoscopes expanded so that you know what the stars have in store.


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