Lorna Cepeda has turned 50


“”Happy birthday to me ‘(Happy birthday to me)“, The actress began writing in the post of the publication, which she accompanied with a photo gallery of the celebration of her ‘return to the sun’, which she appreciated with a small meeting at her home.

Furthermore, Lorna Cepeda, who recounted the painful event for which she is not exposed to the sun, took the opportunity to clarify that her birthday is November 18, as the photos were uploaded a day after the celebration.

Thank you for all your beautiful and wonderful messages, which fill my soul“, The artist concluded in her writing, and her friends did not miss the opportunity to express their affection and admiration for how she preserves her beauty.

As for his age – because he turned 50 – several followers have said they found him incredible looks the same as when you played “Patricia Fernández”, of the famous production that RCN has broadcast again, which is in the “top” 10 of the “chart”.

Here are the snapshots that the actress shared on Instagram, where she appears with the most important people in her life:


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