Lorient assistants have always been mobilized in HIV prevention and screening – Lorient


The Aides Lorient association receives in its premises in rue du Maréchal-Foch 63, in Lorient, every Monday, from 14:00 to 18:00, the second Thursday of each month from 17:00 to 20:00 and the fourth Friday , from 18:00 to 21:00

“We have five priority audiences: men who have sex with men, consumers of psychoactive products, sex workers, people in the hands of justice and we also support people living with disease, HIV or hepatitis,” explains Mathieu Stéphant, volunteer at Aides for six years.

There are two tests: “The quick test where you take a drop of blood and use a reagent, you get the result in 30 minutes; and the blood test that can be done at the anonymous and free screening center in Lorient (11, quai de Rohan) ”.

Effective treatments

HIV research and treatment has evolved a lot since its discovery in the 1980s. It is not necessary to take 25 tablets a day with significant side effects. “Today I take one pill a day”, testifies one patient. The treatment puts the virus to sleep, which is no longer detectable and therefore no longer transmissible. There is also PrEP, a pre-sex treatment that prevents infections.

In case of unprotected intercourse, exposed people can go to the emergency room within 4-48 hours of intercourse for post-exposure treatment.

600 Bretons who ignore each other

“Containment can end the HIV pandemic because if everyone who has had risky sex is tested, we can stop the epidemic,” says Mathieu Stéphant, Aides Lorient volunteer. Six hundred Bretons would have been unaware of their HIV status, the Aides Lorient went to the public. “We go to gay dating sites and argue, we encourage people to get tested, we do prevention. Contrary to popular belief, the virus still exists and we cannot cure it ”.

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