Loredana made a documentary


Loredana, Mozzik and Baby Hana: the two became parents together for the first time in 2018. image: instagram / hana aliu


“I didn’t think I could take it that way, Digga” – Loredana made a documentary

Imke Gerriets / watson.de

As much as Loredana’s year was musically successful, she has had to endure a lot of criticism in recent months. Sometimes she even pulled out completely and deleted her Instagram account. However, numerous allegations of fraud against them have been raised repeatedly. The hashtag “BoycottLoredana” was even trending on Twitter at times. Many fans were of the opinion that it was no longer morally justifiable to support someone rumored to have cheated a couple of bucks.

However, the 25-year-old later posted a photo along with the alleged cheating victim. The signs for a fresh start were therefore good, although many fans are still critical of the singer’s past.

Now the rapper wants to give his fans and critics an idea of ​​what is probably the most difficult year of his life. The performer of “You are mine” has now revealed that a multi-part documentary of his in collaboration with Spotify will begin on November 25th. In a short pre-release clip, he provides the first information. It is also surprising to see Mozzik, his former partner and father of his son, who even comes to tears during the interview.

Loredana reveals a documentary about herself

Loredana now writes about her latest project on Instagram: “It is simply not possible to explain the last two years in an interview, but it is possible to describe them with pictures. Here’s the trailer for my four-part documentary that I shot with Spotify for over a year. “He also explains:

Many of the rapper’s companions have a say in the documentary. In addition to concert or studio recordings, manager Lucas Teuchner also talks about the artist: “Motivate people and convince them: this is their greatest talent”. In her private life, however, she went through all kinds of ups and downs. Looking back, Loredana says in the Spotify recording:

Mozzik surprises with an interview

Particularly touching is the appearance of her ex-husband Mozzik, who says to the cameras: “You still make me cry.” What exactly is behind his statement has not yet been revealed. It is surprising that the conversation took place in November. After the separation, Mozzik protested against his former great love, according to the Swiss newspaper “Blick”: “You know exactly what the reason for the separation was. I’ve had a good and a bad time with you for three years and I would still do it if I wasn’t wrong. ” The last word seems not to have been spoken here.

With Loredana, however, the reasons for the end of love sounded like this: “I really don’t know. I find it very difficult to find why. Because nothing happened to me, which is why they had to separate. Something big has to happen for two people to separate. “And also: “We got along very well for 80 percent of the relationship. He is a person that I respect a lot and that I have always respected. After all, he is also my daughter’s father. “

Perhaps in the multi-part documentary the two also talk about the reasons for their separation. But it seems the waves have smoothed out again and both are closing in, not least for their daughter.


This is how Loredana presents herself on Instagram

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