Long-term Covid-19 can damage people’s organs. Young and previously healthy people are no exception


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Experts have demonstrated organ damage in a large percentage of long-term Covid patients.

In some coronavirus infected patients the symptoms of Covid-19 have been manifesting for a long time. In this case we call Long Covid – Long-term Covid. A new study, referenced by The Gurdian, suggests that long-term Covid can cause damage to multiple organs, even in previously healthy and young individuals (or low-risk individuals).

Studio at 200 low-risk patients (average age 44 years) with long-term Covid indicated this almost 70% of them has 4 months after infection disorders in one or more organs. In 25% of cases it is damage to two or more organs. However, according to cardiologist Amitav Banerjee, it is damage, Luckily mostly mild.


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But study it does not prove that it caused organ damage with certainty only Long-term Covid. Authorities did not scan any of the patients before Covid-19 broke out. Therefore, they cannot compare whether the condition of the organs only worsened after the disease or if it was bad before. However, due to the favorable health and young age of selected patients, doctors consider it unlikely.

Long-term Covid is still in the UK demonstrated in approx 60,000 patients. These people very often experience increased fatigue, so-called brain fog, shortness of breath and pain. The UK National Health Service plans to set up more than 40 clinics to monitor the long-term consequences of Covid for this type of patient.

At present, experts are trying to clarify the individual symptoms and the “trajectory of the disease”. Their goal is to later provide treatment to patients whose long-term Covid may have damaged organs.

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