Loire: new covid figures


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In France, 2,065,138 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been identified, or 28,383 more than the report published the day before. 15,960 new hospitalizations in the last 7 days, of which 2,558 in intensive care. 4,039 clusters under investigation as of November 16, of which 1,539 in nursing homes. The incidence rate in Saint-Etienne Métropole amounts to 849 cases for the entire population, against 1,259 at the peak and 944 for the over 65s. The data were recorded in the third week of November.

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes remains the region most affected by this second wave. But the circulation of the virus seems to finally slow down. The impact on health is increasing, particularly in nursing homes.

From 2 November to 8 November the viral circulation seems to stabilize overall, with the exception of the department of Savoy which has the highest incidence rate among the French departments (more than 1,100 cases per 100,000 regional inhabitants, the incidence rate has reached at least 842 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (unconsolidated data) and the positivity rate has risen to 28.5%. The decrease in the number of consultations in city medicine and the stabilization of passages in an emergency also go in the direction of stabilizing circulation viral.

SARS-CoV-2 positive case incidence rate by department for week 45 (November 2-8). Source: SIDEP, data as of 12/11/2020:

Source: ARS.

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