Listening to the symptoms of COVID, a collective responsibility


In the past 24 hours, Mauricie and Center-du-Québec have seen an increase of 29 and 23 new cases, respectively, for a total regional number of 52.

“Although the results of the day are declining, it is essential that compliance with health measures is maintained, in particular by limiting private meetings and following the instructions of public health isolation. Furthermore, in the course of epidemiological investigations, we have noticed that several people with mild symptoms of COVID-19 show up in their workplaces and studies. This practice is particularly at risk in this pandemic context as a mildly symptomatic person can have a high level of contagiousness. This is why we urge the population to be alert to the appearance of symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and not to minimize them. As the winter season and associated viruses approach, it is important to be even more vigilant about it, ”says Dr Marie Josée Godi, Director of Public Health and Population Responsibility at CIUSSS MCQ.

If you or your children develop symptoms, you are encouraged to protect others by staying at home and to complete the COVID-19 Symptoms Self-Assessment Tool to determine if you need to get tested. If screening is required, you are welcome to make an appointment using the Clic Santé portal or by calling 1 877 644-4545.

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