Lifetime will premiere “I am Lorena Bobbitt”, a film to reflect on the mistreatment of women


The film, starring Dani Montalvo and Luke Humphrey, and with the participation of Lorena Bobbitt herself as executive producer, tells the dramatic story of a young woman who experienced an inconceivable ordeal during four years of marriage. It will premiere on November 25th at 9pm, precisely on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

“Seeing the actress playing me was very moving, especially when it came to those dark moments in my life. But mentally I was more than prepared to continue with my mission, which is that my story reaches out to other women suffering from maltreatment and sexual abuse, ”says Lorena.

It is worth mentioning that Lorena Bobbitt became a household name in world media headlines when, after years of abuse by her husband John, she cut his penis with a knife in June 1993.

Lifetime to premiere ‘I am Lorena Bobbitt’

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