Lewis Hamilton contracted corona virus – news from the magazine



Most recently in the Batwoman and Frozen 2 movies Rachel Matthewsannounced on his social media account that the corona test was positive.

The 26-year-old actress also told day by day what she went through for five days.

First day: sore throat, fatigue and headache.

Second day: mild fever, terrible body aches, chills, intense pain in the lungs. Dry cough has started. I have no appetite

Third day: no fever, severe muscle aches, my lungs are getting worse, dry cough, shortness of breath, extreme tiredness and appetite.

Fourth day: Symptoms became milder. However, there is shortness of breath. Also sometimes I lose my sense of smell and taste. I have no appetite yet.

Fifth day: everything is more or less the same. I feel more myself. Shortness of breath, loss of appetite, fatigue and my lack of taste and smell continue.

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