Let’s know a little more about the mysterious disease: La Nouvelle Tribune


Some time ago a mysterious disease appeared Senegal. The fishermen, in fact, had returned from a day at sea with an illness, the first cases of which were recorded in the municipality of Thiès. They, who reported several injuries, accused a foreign boat of dumping chemicals into the sea.

The authorities had invited the populations to calm down

The chief medical officer of the local medical region, Dr. Malik Ndiaye, announced that 202 cases had been recorded in the village of Ndayane. He said the regions of Fass Boye, Joal is Mbour he had registered 10, 29 and 19 cases of this disease. “All these cases are fishermen returning from the sea. We know that the notion of contamination is excluded. This disease is not caused by a virus. The children and women who remained in these fishing villages were not affected by this disease.” pointed out Dr. Malik Ndiaye. Furthermore, the authorities had invited the populations to calm down, specifying that it was not a virus.

Detected several toxic substances

After several analyzes conducted by scientists, they found that it was rather a matter of intoxication. Therefore, the results revealed the presence of several toxic substances. Among these are in particular thehexadecanoic acid, acid dicarboxylic benzene, of suffer and thephthalic acid. Pollution analyzes, however, do not reveal PAHs, indicator PCBs, pesticides or even drug residues.

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