Let’s Dance (RTL): Popular pro missing from new season – Llambi surprised: “You can’t believe it”


While fans are eagerly awaiting the new season of “Let’s Dance”, Isabel Edvardsson surprisingly will no longer be a part of the next round of the RTL show.

  • Really felt Isabel Edvardsson so hard “Let’s Dance” like dance shoes on the parquet.
  • But in next season of the RTL show the nice Swede will surely be not be there.
  • But as sad as fans may be over the professional dancer ‘s surprising absence, he is happy Jury-Urgestein Joachim Llambi however a lot.

Update from 20 November 2020: “This is simply not physically possible, with such a belly, “he confirms Isabel Edvardsson in the RTL interview with a laugh that she not included in the new season “Let’s Dance” Sara. Obviously it’s a little sad about that. After all, the Swede still has every year mixed. “This is obviously part of my life.

He already had his dance shoes on during the first pregnancy with their son Mika (3) I have to leave in the closet, but at that moment Isabel accompanied the show like Journalist in the backstage. During the Corona pandemic *, the expectant mother doesn’t want to take any chances this time.

“Let’s Dance” (RTL): Popular pro is missing in the new season – Llambi surprised: “You can’t believe it”

First report of 18 November 2020: Cologne – Dance shoes still shine after the warm soles used by celebrities and professionals “Let’s Dance” regularly put on the floor, and true fans of RTL dance show again towards the next round. So the wait for the new season in spring 2021 this time should also be correspondingly large. from Lili Paul-Roncalli This year the Victory cup it was allowed to stretch upward. However, after surprising news, many will also see a decline Sadness mix with their euphoria, because Isabel Edvardsson has just indicated that it will be in the next year no longer be present in the cult format becomes.

Isabel Edvardsson announces good news – and at the same time sad cancellation of “Let’s Dance”?

Of all things, though Isabel Edvardsson actually for Regular cast of “Let’s Dance” heard – after all, he won together with Wayne Carpendale 2006 was the first real season of the successful format. Even years after, it remained that way Dance show always faithful, but he will 2021 in all likelihood one first Pause must insert – even if the Reason for the special one cute cake it’s because the popular professional dancer it’s the second time pregnant: “The baby is coming in the spring”, a native of Sweden is delighted in an interview with the gala and also with her Marcus white man She smiles up to my ears: “In our marriage I almost feel more pregnant than her. I am very emotionally involved and euphoric. “

“Let’s Dance” star Isabel Edvardsson expects second child, of all things, in the turbulent times of the Corona

The first is common Tournament couple already proud parents of the three-year-old Son Mika, now yours small family from another member to grow up. Whose birth As expected, it doesn’t stop there Start of the new season “Let’s Dance” together, but because of the current Corona-Krise moreover also in something delicate phase. Even so, Isabel cherishes her spouse’s desire to be like the first time in Delivery room be accompanied: “I hope it can be present despite the pandemic and that we can relive it together”, so the future mother.

“Let’s Dance” in 2021 must take place without Isabel Edvardsson pregnant – says juror Joachim Llambi

While Isabel Edvardsson with Marcus Weiß So she is currently experiencing nine exciting and unique months too “Let’s Dance” -College Joachim Llambi in seventh heaven with the sweet baby news: “I am like that happythat our dear Isabel will be mom again! I’m so happy for her and her husband, you can’t believe it “, even the veteran of the jury, who usually looks pretty cold, cheers for RTL and immediately sends a few loving words to the expectant mother: “All the best and please stay healthy, dear Isabel! I can’t wait for your new luck to come, which will come in the new year. Officially, you can only contact them Congratulations Connect.

To be congratulated after their time together “Let’s Dance” even now Luca Hänni and Christina Luftwhich have now officially become theirs love they knew – even if the singer is ultimately right monotonous I talked about it. In the meantime it happened No other professional dancers even the RTL fans angry. (lros)

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