Lessons from the first wave not learned everywhere


CHSLDs and retirement homes (RPAs) are struggling to implement the lessons of the first wave of COVID-19 in the spring in Quebec, while community transmission does not end.

“We know what to do and, if the measures are implemented, there is no reason to go to 25 or 50% [de résidents infectés] », Estimates the geriatrician specializing in epidemiology, Dr Quoc Dinh Nguyen.

Yesterday the list of the Ministry of Health and Social Services still counted 15 RPA in critical situation and 10 CHSLD,
with these percentages. Some may see 10 to 20 cases in a single day.

One of these CHSLDs is the Drapeau-Deschambault CHSLD, in Sainte-Thérèse, where more than 50 residents, of whom 7 have died, and 50 employees have been infected. Via email, the Laurentian Center for Social and Health Services (CISSS) does not explain how the virus could have spread so quickly.

However, its situation is not unlike that of CHSLD Saint-Eusèbe, in Joliette, where COVID-19 had already spread to several units before it was discovered. Since the end of October, 31 residents have died there.

Quoc Dinh Nguyen, geriatrician

Archival photos

Quoc Dinh Nguyen, geriatrician

Know what to do

“This is worrying because they should know what to do,” says geriatrician David Lussier.

The doctor wonders if the government shouldn’t quickly deploy its SWAT teams to help these places. According to him, it is when there are even fewer than 10 cases of infection that action must be taken to quell the spread of the coronavirus.

However, he adds that we can expect to see the number of outbreaks increase, especially in RPAs, where residents can come and go.

“It’s a reflection of the situation in the community,” he says. Currently, there are nearly 1,000 cases of RPA infection in Quebec.

Impossible perfection

“When there are many cases in the community, it requires a degree of perfection that is perhaps humanly impossible,” adds Dr Nguyen.

Specifically, he notes that with around 20-25 deaths per day, the second wave will take longer to catch up with the roughly 4,000 deaths in the spring, but it could get there if not stopped.

The CEO of the Regroupement québécois des residences pour seniors (RQRA), Yves Desjardins, acknowledges that the second wave is “difficult” for its members.

” The tray [de cas quotidiens] he can’t go down, ”he remarks on the situation in Quebec, forcing RPAs to stay alert.

COVID-19 outbreaks current on November 18

105 RPA brooding

  • 969 case of infection
  • 125 Death
  • Residence of the Wise Men, in Bas-Saint-Laurent, 88% of infected residents
  • Residence Aubé, in the Capital-Nationale, 86% of infected residents
  • Villa Goyette, in Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean, 75% of infected residents
  • Auberge du bon temps, in Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean, 67% of infected residents
  • Domain of the elderly, Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean, 54% of infected residents

61 CHSLD brooding

  • 585 case of infection
  • 314 Death
  • CHSLD Drapeau-Deschambault, in the Laurentians, 41% of infected residents
  • Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital (3rd floor and UCDG), in Estrie, 40% of infected residents
  • CHSLD Marc-André-Jacques, in Chaudière-Appalaches, 40% of infected residents
  • CHSLD St-Eusèbe, in Lanaudière, 36% of infected residents
  • CSSS Granit (4th floor), in Estrie, 36% of infected residents
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