Learn the symptoms of coronary heart disease and how to treat it


Chronic heart disease is truly life-threatening, but coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease is the deadliest. Smoking, alcoholism, obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and so on are the main factors that cause coronary heart disease.

What are the symptoms of coronary heart disease?

According to a site report ” only my healthThere are different symptoms of coronary heart disease and they differ from person to person, while some people have no symptoms at all, others suffer from severe chest pain such as angina and heaviness and chest pain can spread to the neck, arms, back and stomach with shortness of breath. .

If the arteries are completely blocked, a person can suffer a heart attack which can cause severe heart damage, dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating, shortness of breath, etc. These are the symptoms that appear in case of complete blockage of the artery, however, sometimes the heart attack may not manifest any symptoms called silent myocardial infarction, which is important to treat in time.

Coronary Heart Disease Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease is now possible with cardiovascular mapping. With this non-invasive procedure, you can know the exact condition of the heart and arteries within 10 minutes.

To diagnose and confirm coronary heart disease in a person, there are various tests that are done such as an ECG or EKG test and an X-ray of the heart, chest, and lungs.

Treatment of coronary heart disease

The condition cannot be fully treated but can be controlled by controlling for symptoms that reduce the risk of heart attacks and improve the work of the heart.

The most effective solution to manage this condition is to make changes in your lifestyle, and this would work with non-invasive treatments and medications, only severe cases require surgical treatment, making some simple changes such as physical exercises for heart health, a Balanced Diet, Cholesterol Control and Lack of Smoking: This not only controls the condition of coronary heart disease but also reduces the risk of other health problems associated with coronary heart disease.

Doctors may also prescribe certain medications to control symptoms such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or high blood pressure. These drugs work by dilating the arteries and thinning the blood to allow it to pass easily through the arteries.

There may be some negative effects of consuming these drugs such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, muscle aches and poor concentration. These drugs should not be taken until after consulting a doctor.


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