Lawsuit filed against the authorities for the death of Latin actress Naya Rivera | Univision News Events


The ex-husband of late Latin actress Naya Rivera filed a lawsuit against local authorities and executives at Lake Piru in northeastern Los Angeles, where Rivera drowned in July, media reported.

Famous for her role on the “Glee” series, Rivera died on July 8 after she and her 5-year-old son, Josey Hollis Dorsey, rented a boat to take a ride on the lake.

According to the Ventura County investigation, the two jumped into the water to swim and when Rivera tried to get back on the boat, he used his last strength to help his son get on the boat, but he ended up drowning.

In the lawsuit, Ryan Dorsey, Rivera’s ex-husband and Josey’s father, accuses county authorities and lake administrators of neglect because he claims the swimmers were not properly warned of the risks of swimming at the site, in alleged violation. of the standards set by the United States Coast Guard.

The court document specifies that the boat “swayed heavily from the current and wind” and the employee who hired the boat from Naya Rivera did not instruct her to wear life jackets.

“Josey, who was closest, managed to get back into the boat of her own free will and held onto the boat, which was swinging strongly in the current and wind. Josey knew that Naya was still in the water and heard her scream,” Help! Help!’ in his fight to get back to the ship and avoid drowning, ”says Dorsey’s lawsuit on behalf of his son.

“Josey searched in vain for a rope to help her mother get back to the boat. Josey looked in the water in search of her mother and saw that Naya was missing. Josey screamed for help and cried alone in the boat until they found him over an hour after “, according to the cause.

The manslaughter lawsuit claims that Rivera drowned because the boat he hired lacked proper safety equipment and there were no signs warning of dangerous conditions on Lake Piru.

The boat that the actress hired from the Park Management Company did not have a secure access ladder, adequate rope, anchor, radio or safety mechanisms to prevent swimmers from being separated from the boat, according to the documents of the court.

They’re asking for a jury trial

Additionally, the prosecution alleges that there were no flotation or life-saving devices on board the boat, although at the time of the accident, investigators said a life jacket was found on the boat and that the boy was wearing the other.

The lawsuit also claims that the lake had no signage relating to lake hazards, such as currents, changes in water depth, or underwater debris.

Dorsey, represented by Attorney Justin Stiegemeyer, includes in the case the granting of “actual, compensatory, consequential and punitive damages in amounts to be determined during the trial”, “legal fees and reasonable costs as required by law”, “pre -procedual and post-trial “and any” further provision that the Court deems appropriate “.

According to the documents, the plaintiffs are asking for a jury trial.

Local authorities have not commented on the lawsuit.

The 33-year-old actress was known for playing the role of entertainer Santana Lopez in the “Glee” series. He married Dorsey in 2014 and they divorced four years later.


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