Laverne Cox explains the transphobic attack: “It’s not safe in the world”


“Orange Is the New Black” star and LGBTQ + supporter Laverne Cox spoke on Instagram Saturday to share that she and her friend were victims of a transphobic attack that left her “in shock”.

In an IGTV video, Cox explained that she went for a socially distant stroll with a friend at Griffith Park in Los Angeles, and soon met a man who aggressively asked them the time.

“The friend I’m with looks at his watch and tells him the time, and then the guy who asked the time says to my friend, ‘Boy or girl?'” Cox said. “My friend says:” Fuck you “.”

According to Cox, the man then proceeded to attack his friend, hitting him multiple times.

“I look back and ask myself ‘What’s going on?’ The guy is like hitting my friend, and then my friend is walking towards him and I’m like, ‘Good heavens!’ “Cox said.” I take out my phone and call to dial 911, and all of a sudden it’s over and the boy is gone. “

Once Cox and her friend had time to process the incident, they came to the conclusion that the man was trying to get Cox to answer when he asked the time.

“The guy really wanted me to respond so he could scare me if I’m trans or not,” Cox said. “I don’t know why, I don’t know why it’s important. At the end of the day, it’s like who cares? I’m wearing a hoodie and yoga pants, I’m completely covered, I have my mask on – who cares if I’m trans? How does this affect your life? “

Cox was shaken by the accident, saying it reminded her of how dangerous the world can be. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, 28 transgender people were killed in 2020 alone, surpassing last year’s total.

“It is not safe in the world. And I don’t like to think about it a lot, but it’s the truth, “Cox said.” It’s the truth and it’s not sure if you’re a trans person. Obviously I know that. It’s just very sad. “

Cox continued: “It doesn’t matter who you are. You can be Laverne Cox, or whatever that means. If you are trans … you will experience things like this. “

Cox concluded the video by encouraging his followers not to blame themselves if something like this happens to them: “When these things happen, it’s not your fault. It is not your fault that people disagree with you that you exist in the world … We have the right to walk in the park. “

Cox’s video received immediate support from a slew of celebrities.

Director Lee Daniels wrote: “Stay strong, beautiful sister”. “Little Fires Everywhere” star Kerry Washington commented: “Woman !!!!!!!! Ugh. I’m so sorry. I love you. “Lovecraft Country actor Jamie Chung also contributed a message of support, writing,” I’m sorry you and your friend were attacked. This is maddening. I hope he was sued and you gave them his description. “

Watch the full video below.

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