“La nit” showed the millionaire decoration of his apartment


The content creator, criticized by a doctor on Facebook, showed on his IGTV that his living room was furnished with oversized furniture, which were accompanied by a coffee table and the unique design of a duck.

The dining room has a capacity of 6 people, and on the side walls he hung two paintings: one is a Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns and the other contains Cristiano Ronaldo’s autographed shirt, which is certified; it also has a room for players.

The content creator’s kitchen, which in a past recording showed that it was practically empty, is already equipped and has appliances such as smart refrigerator, blender, microwave, deep fryer and rice cooker.

On the second floor is the guest bedroom and the “influencer” room, which it has a huge bed, which also has an electrical outlet, and a bathroom with a bathtub; in the last space mentioned there is also a kind of changing room.

On the second floor the walls are decorated with paintings in which he appears alone, accompanied by his mother and another with J Balvin.

Here, the full video shared by ‘la Liendra’, who days ago starred in a ‘war’ of hints with her ex-girlfriend, Luisa Castro.


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