Kwango: Kenge health zone records 27 cases of Chikungunya-like disease


The head of the provincial health division of Kwango, Dr. Aimé Kayolo, suspects the appearance of a viral pathology called Chikungunya in the Kenge health zone. In a statement released on Friday, November 27, it says 27 cases have already been registered and 5 samples are being sent to the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB) for analysis.

Doctor Aimé Kayolo indicates that this disease manifests itself with muscle pain mainly in the lower limbs, thus preventing the patient from walking.

“The patient has a fever, has poor appetite, so let’s just say he’s really sick. It is the third week since the disease appeared. So the total is 27 cases “, He added.

Doctor Aimé Kayolo informs that only signs and symptoms are treated for this viral pathology.

“We took five samples, sent them to the INRB, for which we have no results yet. So we have in the Kenge health area, there are two affected areas, barrier health area and CBCO health area “, he continues.

For Dr. Kayolo, environmental hygiene is important to prevent this disease, which is transmitted by the bite of the mosquito called aedes aegypti.

“Chikungunya is a disease that is caused by a mosquito bite, prevention is the hygiene of the environment, so we must avoid crowding, avoid throwing everything everywhere, avoid puddles, what is needed is to clean up the environment. , have the place clean, that’s all “, he advised.

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