“Keep calm and use the dildos”: Heidi Klum confused with a photo on Instagram


Heidi Klum: The model is currently in Berlin and is shooting “GNTM” for the new season. Bild: images imago / Future Image

Heidi Klum confused with a photo on Instagram: “Keep calm and use the dildos”

Heidi Klum regularly posts snapshots of her daily life on her Instagram account and even allows her fans to participate more and more in family life. But what your followers are seeing more and more are intimate snapshots – be it out of bed, in the bathtub or now from Berlin. Because Heidi Klum is currently in the capital for the sixteenth season of the successful “GNTM” casting.

Fans can virtually see her strolling on Alexanderplatz, walking the dogs on Grunewaldsee or even walking the parade set and taking a photo shoot with the candidates in front of the Bode Museum.

But then there are always posts that pose puzzles. For example, the last shot of his Instagram story. What Heidi Klum wants to tell us is not clear at first glance.

Heidi Klum leaves a spicy message on second glance

First, the supermodel juror films herself in the car and shows the boots she is wearing with the camera. The next snapshot that follows at the beginning reveals nothing unusual. Your 7.7 million subscribers will see a street in Berlin.

But if you look closer, you can clearly see a spicy advertising slogan attached to a power box. He says:

The model posted this photo in her Instagram story. Photo: Instagram / Heidi Klum

This is a slogan of an erotic mail order company in Berlin. Since nothing special is seen in the photo, it seems that Heidi Klum did not accidentally post the poster in her story, but rather must have deliberately aimed at the advertising slogan.

“Keep calm and use the dildos” – what would Heidi Klum want to tell us? To what extent she can connect this saying to her own life is unclear, because Heidi posts the photo without comment.

However, it is clear that Heidi Klum is not afraid to discuss love and sex. About a year ago, the mother of four revealed in a Tokio Hotel music video how important love and sex are to them. There he stated: “The most sensual moment is when you are connected with the other person. This is the case when you have sex and something happens that has nothing to do with the surrounding area.” This is just “this very specific feeling”. It doesn’t look like anyone is relying on the products of an adult mail order company …


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2021 will be elected in Germany – moderator Markus Lanz wants to tease from green politician Robert Habeck whether or not he will run as candidate for chancellor. The boss of the Greens remains in the team with his colleague Annalena Baerbock. But finally he finds clear words for the party, with which he absolutely does not want to form a coalition. And he criticizes Markus Söder’s newly discovered green thumb.

“Will you be a candidate for chancellor?”, Markus Lanz would like …

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