Junior Eurovision 2020: creating a show in a global pandemic


What does it take to organize a live international co-production in the midst of a global pandemic? Following the cancellation of the Eurovision Song Contest in May, the EBU and its members were determined to ensure that the Junior Eurovision Song Contest would go ahead, under any circumstances, on 29 November.

Despite all the challenges, TVP’s Junior Eurovision 2020 team in Poland made a herculean effort to create a truly extraordinary event. Unlike previous contests, this year’s show was created primarily remotely and required an enormous amount of coordination, teamwork and overtime.

At the end of the summer it became apparent that bringing all the artists to Warsaw for the competition would be impossible for logistical and health and safety reasons. The host broadcaster TVP and the competition steering group, made up of representatives of the participating EBU members, then decided that the recordings of each performance should be used to ensure that the event went on.

“Flexibility, a positive atmosphere and a solution-focused attitude were what pushed the team through such a challenging time,” said Martin Österdahl, the new Executive Supervisor of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. “I am impressed by the flexibility and efforts put in by the participating broadcasters and the Host Broadcaster.”

“Ultimately, the challenges we faced presented new opportunities,” according to Martin. “The changes that needed to be made due to the coronavirus restrictions forced the team to really innovate and, as a result, the 12 participants will be able to” show us that they can keep their dream anyway! “

The “Eurovision spirit” of cooperation and innovation would be at the heart and heart of the new format.

A talented team was assembled by executive producer, Marta Piekarska, to make the show happen. They have come up with 5 or more different scenarios for this edition. Due to the uncertainty arising from the pandemic, the team had to adapt continuously. In September they decided to approach Junior Eurovision 2020 in a completely new way.

Using recorded performances and connecting live with artists in each participating country for the first time in the Competition’s history meant that TVP would have to employ the latest technology, which brought its own challenges.

“This year there will be something unique,” said Marta. “XR and AR technologies were used to create a new Junior Eurovision experience. It was also difficult to meet each other via online calls. I was calling at 10:00 with Kazakhstan, at 11:00 with the Netherlands and at noon with Belarus. Every day for the last two months I felt like I was traveling around Europe, “he added.

State-of-the-art technologies are used extensively in graphics throughout the show and allow artists to all perform the “Move The World” Competition theme song together on the same stage despite being thousands of miles away.

“It was important to keep the spirit of Eurovision alive despite the changed format,” said art director Konrad Smuga. “We had to include current trends to reflect what people in Europe and around the world are feeling right now.”

Choreographer Augustin Egurrola worked with Konrad to convey the powerful message of this year’s theme, “Move The World”. “Gathering such a large group of dancers in one safe place was a challenge” and “a huge event from a production point of view”.

He wanted to emphasize that the world does not change only due to major events but also through daily work, which is the theme of the “postcards” that introduce each song. Representing “the most important professions like a doctor or a teacher” who according to him are the “silent heroes who contribute to change the world every day” was very important.

With the year we have had it is good to see us reunited, “said Martin Österdahl.” We have 12 wonderful shows from 12 different countries and they will bring the stage to life and show us that they will keep their dream alive no matter what. “

The collaboration between all the participating public broadcasters was extraordinary and I would like to thank them all, added Marta Piekarska. “Without them it would not have been possible to do this show.

The Junior Eurovision Song Contest will be broadcast live in the 12 participating countries and on YouTube at 17.00 CET on Sunday 29 November. Online voting is open before and during the show on jesc.tv.

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