Journalist Ibrahim Fayek reveals details of his health after suffering a serious illness


Journalist Ibrahim Fayek said he now feels better in his health, after being discharged from the hospital, after suffering a very serious illness, and Fayek added, in a phone call to the “From Masr” program presented by Reham Ibrahim, and Amr Khalil, on the CBC channel, that The onset of the crisis was in his feeling of severe pain in his chest, then hit his back, and that last Wednesday, adding: “I was a little biased about myself and I was going to the program, but when I felt the pain I had no hope that I would get to the hospital, but thank God I’m fine now. “

Ibrahim Fayek thanked the medical team who followed his treatment, continuing: “My mother had the same problems, and we always look after the family doctor”.

Ibrahim Fayek was absent from appearing on Saturday’s episode of Thala’s fan show on Ontime Sport 2, due to his exposure to a lung stroke, and Fayek apologized for appearing on his show last Wednesday due to a illness before being transferred to hospital for necessary medical treatment.

Ibrahim Fayek underwent urgent medical examinations to find out about his condition after the illness he suffered, while undergoing urgent care from the hospital after that malaise, as he was transferred to the hospital to help him quickly after the illness he suffered.


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