Jessica Cediel before: it was like that a few years ago


Social networks have revived a photograph of how Jessica Cediel looked before be famous like now.

The famous presenter’s before and after are pretty drastic, because her face looks very different.

Jessica Cediel had a face more often and one would have believed that he had had a few extra pounds before.

Even the model At that time I was quite cachetona when he presented a famous TV show in Colombia.

Jessica Cediel’s physical changes before and now have been enough notorious over the years has made television.


Colombians too they found out about the butt operation which ended in total failure from the biopolymers they injected into you.

Now again The debate has been open as to whether Jessica Cediel had facial surgery or not, although on several occasions he denied any intervention on the face.

Currently, the presenter She is quite a skinny woman and tends to show her over 7.9 million followers on Instagram her curves on social media.

“What surgeries do”, “silver”, “She was prettier before”, “still pretty” and “I see her anyway, what happens is that she is older”, they commented.


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