Jessica Athayde is indignant waiting in the hospital for a consultation – to Boil


Jessica Athayde he took to social media this Tuesday to express his displeasure over treatment in a Lisbon hospital.

The actress went to the hospital for an otolaryngologist consultation: “Is this how I am healed?”.

Next, Jessica shared her outrage over the waiting time for consultation in instant stories on her Instagram account: “The doctor is late, I still have two people in front of me. At Covid-19, wouldn’t it be better if the hospital called to warn of this delay?.

“If it weren’t for the doctor recommended, he has now fallen. Also for the lack of sympathy at the reception”, finished.

After the consultation, Jessy went back to the followers. “The upside: the doctor gave me hope and I could have a better quality of life and breathe better. I was treated well and he was very kind“.


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