Jessi Uribe children’s singer Sandra Barrios broke the television


The popular music singer, Jessi Uribe, he posted a particular video in which he tells what happened to his son.

In addition to his role as an artist, Bumangués is the father of four children, Luna, Sarah, Alan and Roy, born as a result of their marriage to Sandra Barrios.

Although he no longer lives with them, after separation from his home, the singer visits them periodically and share time with the little ones.

Recently, Jessi Uribe released a recording in which he appears with Alan, one of his twin sons.

“Who left the television in the living room?” the singer said as his little son looks sad because he has appeared.

Without being in a bad mood and being a rather loving and understanding father, Jessi Uribe laughs and explains that this happened, apparently, because the child couldn’t find the television in the living room.


Reactions on social media They did not wait and the artist was criticized for not repressing his son with some kind of punishment.

“Children must be corrected, and this man has no idea what to do with his life, now he will know how to lead his son” Y “I wish they had spoiled me like this because I shared a plate”, are some of the comments of the publication.


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