J Balvin’s parents talk about the depression that afflicts the singer


Photograph provided by UMLA of singer J Balvin.  Colombian artist J Balvin decided to share his recipe "Peace of mind" and what protected you from "fall into the temptations and vices of this life" artistic.  It is meditation, a practice that keeps you "centered", as assured in an interview with EFE.EFE / Umle
Photograph provided by UMLA of singer J Balvin. Colombian artist J Balvin decided to share the recipe for his “tranquility” and for what protected him from “falling into the temptations and vices of this artistic life”. It is meditation, a practice that keeps him “centered”, as he assured in an interview with EFE.EFE / Umle

J Balvin recently confessed through his social networks that he is going through a new one episode of depression and anxiety.

J Balvin talks about his depression and anxiety

“I don’t like acting, I don’t like pretending, because I’m a human being like any other. I am also fragile and vulnerable, perhaps much more so than all of you “, J Balvin expressed in the recording.

On the subject, the parents of the reggaeton singer have provided details, in an interview for Caracol Radio, on the episodes that their son has experienced.

“Right now he is going through a crisis and it is very difficult for the family”, Alba Mary Balvin said.

He also added that “Depression and anxiety are, I could say, almost like the virus we live in right now”, they assured during the interview.

They also told in the interview with Vanessa de la Torre how they are present to accompany him in those difficult moments that his son goes through due to the disease.

“In our case we see that Josecito is a magician to let the light out of the dark, when we are very clear that the support of a professional is the only thing that can make it emerge”.

They also talked about the relationship they have with their son and the trust that exists in the family.

“Josecito tells us when he is sick and we go to the psychiatrist because it is certainly not a sin for us”, they expressed.

For its part, communication has been important in the Osorio Balvin family ever since “Every day we have a family chat where we communicate constantly and see each other via video chat. We have the ability to use social networks to stay in touch, just missing a hug and now it’s more difficult due to the pandemic”, José Osorio confessed.

They also took the time to talk about depression and the importance that should be given to this disease to which we are all vulnerable.

“This is the time to invite parents, the whole world in general to listen to young people, everyone, this disease has no age, has no sex. It does not give you because you are poorer or richer, it is a condition that you give to anyone “, expressed the mother.


In a recent conversation with Becky G on her podcast “In the living room”, the singer confessed details about the depression he is going through.

During the conversation, Balvin admitted that during one of his crises he didn’t want anything, not even to live. He also recounted the moment he felt he had put his music career aside due to illness.

“I said to my father: ‘I have no music. I can’t live like this “stressed the singer.

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