It would be the couple of the century! Two big names in Romanian music, tenderness live on TV


Everyone knows that Loredana Groza and Ștefan Bănică get along very well, but when it comes to the moments when they appear in public, the two are, more often than not, extremely reserved. However, the X Factor jurors made a controversial gesture in front of everyone, which raised a lot of questions, according to Cancan.

Lori, a subscriber to controversy

AX Factor, Loredana Groza and Ștefan Bănică offered viewers a controversial moment. On the stage of the contest for musical talent came two contestants who performed the famous song “Shallow”, and while the two sang, Loredana Groza made sweet eyes to the colleague of the jury.

More precisely, at one point, Lori took Ștefan Bănică by the hand, to the surprise of all the spectators who were watching X Factor. However, this is not the only or the first rapprochement between the two, because over time they have been the protagonists of similar scenes, even at X Factor, when Ștefan Bănică looked around and needed help.

Lately the artist has made numerous photo sessions that present her in extremely provocative poses, which have sparked heated discussions among her fans, but also among users of social networks. Because Ms. Boncea loves to show off her knuckles – seriously fixed and with the help of cosmetic surgery, because she is still old – in front of the digital people. Also, recently, he danced on a table in front of the team what fi from another popular show on Antena 1.

Banica, the domestic violence juror

At one point, Cristi Brancu revealed that the X Factor jury beat the late Cristina Țopescu, on the beach, and the journalist told, at one point, all about another turning point in her relationship with the artist. , in which he even threatened her with death.


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