“It was a reckless visit”: public health denounces parties in Rimouski | Coronavirus


Are you going to triumph in Sherbrooke? I’m not in the red zone, it would be sick to go there on the weekend, casts David Hener, a Quebec social media personality associated with the underground party scene, in a video posted on his Instagram account.

In the same video series, Mr. Hener explains that he had to change his plans due to the passage of the eastern townships in the red zone.

[François] Legault, you have five hours left to put Rimouski in the red zone because we’re on our way, concludes the promoter of the event whose company is based in Montreal and whose Instagram account is followed by over 89,000 people.

This video raised eyebrows from Bas-Saint-Laurent’s regional director of public health, Dr Sylvain Leduc.

It conveys a message of civil disobedience that we absolutely do not need in the region, casts Dr. Leduc. It was a reckless visit.

Many cases of COVID-19 have recently been linked to private parties and meetings in Rimouski’s bars.

Since last Wednesday, 105 cases have been identified in Bas-Saint-Laurent, including 52 in MRC by Rimouski-Neigette.

The regional director of public health, however, avoids linking these outbreaks directly to the arrival of a person potentially from outside the Bas-Saint-Laurent.

What we can observe beyond any doubt is that the weekend of November 12, 13 and 14, with these holidays […] provided a spectacular multiplication opportunity for the coronavirusexplains Dr. Leduc.

Of provocation, according to Ptite Grenouille

Co-owner of La Ptite Grenouille bar in Rimouski, Steven Guimond Corriveau, also confirms that David Hener visited his venue on November 13th.

Recently hit by an epidemic, the bar had to temporarily close its doors as a preventative measure.

In the announcement posted on Facebook, the Ptite Grenouille administration disassociated itself from the promoter’s visit from Montreal to Rimouski.

We can guarantee beyond any doubt that your visit [était] in a personal capacity and in no case an event organized by us, is stated in the publication. The holidays that preceded and followed its release in nightlife The Rimouskois are in no way sanctioned by our administration.

I would have liked to see the video [annonçant son arrivée à Rimouski] before, releases Steven Guimond Corriveau. Seeing the video, it clearly appears to be a provocation.

Steven Guimond Corriveau in an interview in front of the La Ptite Grenouille bar in Rimouski.

Steven Guimond Corriveau is co-owner of the La Ptite Grenouille bar in Rimouski.

Photo: Radio-Canada

It is not François Legault who is challenging, it is our efforts for several months in the region that he has challenged.

Steven Guimond Corriveau, co-owner of the La Ptite Grenouille bar in Rimouski

David Hener did not respond to our requests for interviews. In a recent video posted on his Instagram account, however, he denies being the cause of the COVID-19 outbreaks in Rimouski.

I have received several messages in the past couple of days from people who are concerned about my health, who fear that I have COVID-19 or that I have spread COVID-19, indicate before specifying that you have obtained a negative result in a screening test. Please stop believing everything you see in the media and rest assured it’s okay and I haven’t spread COVID-19 anywhere.

With the collaboration of Isabelle Damphousse

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