It is the country’s cinema chains that will reopen their doors to the public


View of a theater in the United States where the Warner Bros. film is screened on 2 September 2020.
View of a theater in the United States where the Warner Bros. film “Tenet” is screened on 2 September 2020. EFE / Jim Lo Scalzo

Next Thursday, November 26, 2020, after eight months of closing, some of the country’s cinema chains such as Cinemark, Cinépolis and Royal Films will once again welcome cinema-loving audiences.

This was reported by the film distribution and exhibition companies, who have ensured that due to the situation, the rooms and spaces will have all the biosecurity protocols so that users can enjoy the experience in optimal conditions.

“All our employees have been part of rigorous training on cleaning, disinfection and safety measures. They receive all the personal protection elements necessary to carry out their work; as well as they are also responsible for completing a registration before their shift, in which a coordinator performs temperature control, as well as strictly following the established protocol and hand washing and disinfection, ”Cinemark said in a statement.

In the case of Cinemark, the security protocols for customers establish a decrease in the capacity of the rooms, with the aim of respecting national and local regulations. The film presentation time will also be extended and the chairs will be locked to the sides according to the position of the participants, with the intention of maintaining physical distances.

In turn, tickets can be purchased virtually to avoid the crowds, which will allow you to enjoy the tapes with as little contact as possible, and for those wishing to buy them at the box office Cinemark suggest bank cards to reduce risk.

Similarly, Cinemark indicated that none of the customers with symptoms such as fever or covid-19-like illnesses should refrain from entering the rooms.

“According to resolution 1746 of October 1, 2020, it is a requirement for people attending our theaters that they have had no symptoms related to covid-19 in the 14 days prior to the show date, and that they have no history of contact with cases. suspicious or positive, “the company said in that statement.

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He also points out that, The use of masks by employees and customers is mandatory, which can only be removed when drinking or eating inside the rooms.

At the end of each function, all the rubbish must be disposed of in the bins placed at the exit of the room, which will help the collaborators to have time to carry out further disinfection.

Finally, Cinemark recommended that users be aware of physical distance in all areas of the theater such as bathrooms, halls, corridors, patisserie, box office and lobby, where signage was installed to avoid as much contact as possible.

The film exhibition and the distribution chain will reopen on November 26th.  Photo: Courtesy of Royal Films.
The film exhibition and the distribution chain will reopen on November 26. Photo: Courtesy of Royal Films.

For its part, Royal Films announced through its social networks “we have everything ready to receive you in our multiplexes, respecting all biosecurity protocols so that you can enjoy the best films”.

The cinemas that Royal Films will open to the public are: Multicine Viva (Barranquilla), Multicine Único (Barranquilla), Multicine Premium Plaza (Medellín), Multicine Único (Cali), Multicine La Estación (Cali), Multicine Jardín Plaza (Cali), Multicine Unicentro (Girardot) and Multicine Acqua (Ibagué).

For his part, the president of Cine Colombia, Munir Falah, reported this Friday that he will not open his cinemas for the rest of the year and wished his colleagues good luck.

“Our colleagues from the Film Festival: Cinemark, Cinepolis and Royal Films, have set the date for the reopening of their cinemas in Colombia for next Thursday, November 26th. Cine Colombia wishes them the best and will be careful to collaborate with them in any way possible, “Falah said on his social networks.

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