“it is still too early” to speak of a slowdown in Alsace


Health Minister Olivier Véran this Sunday evoked a “thrill “ in the covid-19 outbreak in France.

In the Lower Rhine “,it is still very early to tell“, second Lionel Barrand president of the union of young medical biologists and whose laboratory is located in Strasbourg ” currently the number of requests for PCR tests is decreasing but it is not known whether this is related to people who no longer travel or if it is a decrease in infected people. There may also be fewer people coming for tests because they are confined“he explains to France Bleu Alsace.

“A positive rate of more than 15%”

In Alsace, the number of hospitalizations continues to grow. 665 people are hospitalized according to Public Health France data released Monday, or 80 new patients in 24 hours. “In our Strasbourg laboratory, the positivity rate is over 15%, it was 2% this summer“says Lionel Barrand.

The climax of the epidemic is ahead of us“said Jérôme Salomon, general director of health, on Monday.

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