It couldn’t be more grotesque than a hilly elegy


you can Amy Adams as Leatherface to imagine? From the point of view of Hillbilly-Elegie, it doesn’t seem that absurd. The eternal Oscar nominee plays such a grotesque caricature in Netflix’s bestselling adaptation that all he needs is a chainsaw slaughter to complete.

It’s a comparison that – let’s face it – sells the iconic Texas Blood Court killer far below value. Because after the horror classic, we know a lot more about the family and the world of Leatherface than Ron Howards prestigeträchtiger Oscar-Film able to tell.

Hillbilly Elegy: A best-selling Netflix movie starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams

2016 hit JD Vance’s memories with the title Hillbilly Elegy: the story of my family and a society in crisis one like a bomb. Ron Howard and fellow producer Brian Grazer filmed this story with a stellar cast.

Watch the Hillbilly Elegy trailer on Netflix:

Hillbilly Elegy – Trailer (German Subtitles) HD


Glenn Close plays rough granny Mamaw and Amy Adams the drug addict mother Bev. Directed by Howard himself, he is an expert on true stories like Apollo 13 and Rush. Hans Zimmer also worked on the film’s music. All signs point to Oscar.

The model promises a work on America today that wanders in time and space. In his memoir, JD Vance recounts the life of a class of people who have been in focus in recent years.

For the features section, this book was in Year of the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States a found food. Vance, he concluded, portrayed Donald Trump’s prototype of the electorate: the impoverished white working class.

Amy Adams in Hillbilly-Elegie

Whether Vance actually explains the Trump phenomenon is irrelevant to this Netflix movie. Why the Film adaptation of Hillbilly Elegy it narrows the view so much that you can only see the pale golden glow of an Academy Awards.

Poverty haunts the characters in Hillbilly’s elegy

Vance’s family hails from the Appalachian Mountains, a mountain range near the east coast. Its white residents are in the United States Charakterzüge stereotype attributed (via NPR ). They are individualistic, loners, proud and committed to solidarity within their communities. For the narration in the book * these properties are essential.

Author JD Vance finds the reasons for the growing poverty as well as his own in this cultural imprint road to the American dream. Vance, according to his line of thinking, has worked his way to becoming a capital manager on his own, while the welfare of the state continues to lull others.

Haley Bennett, Gabriel Basso and Amy Adams in Hillbilly-Elegie

The film version of JD (Gabriel Basso) also leaves this area with his family at an early age. His values ​​and poverty accompany them to Ohio. But the examination of Vance’s ideas lags behind.

The Netflix movie degenerates into a collection of cartoons

Insults, violent clashes and finally, the rampant epidemic of drug addiction dominates the Vance family. It is a success for the actresses.

Amy Adams is usually an actress with a trustworthy instinct. Here she bites into the role of the irregular mother until all that remains of the figure is a wig and overflowing eyes. It would be an exaggeration even for a heated melodrama by Xavier Dolan.

Glenn Close, on the other hand, always behaves like one Hollywood star in the costume of a disadvantaged woman. Your few quiet moments of warmth are announced by Ron Howard with the stage speaker.

Glenn Close in Hillbilly-Elegie

There is room for subtlety Stars im Netflix-Film not relaxed, so many excuses must be. Gabriel Basso and Owen Asztalos, who play the hero JD in different eras, float around in this cabinet of unwittingly funny caricatures. So it’s no wonder that the young man often seems numb.

Hillbilly’s elegy tells us nothing about America and everything about the Oscar season

JD is currently studying at Yale University’s elite. He hides the dark side of his family from his girlfriend (Freida Pinto). When future colleagues talk about “rednecks”, however, JD’s pride comes to the fore.

Other scenes emphasize the more familiar ones Stereotypes of Appalachian culture. It may be an attempt to do justice to the line of thinking in the book without examining it.

Glenn Close and Amy Adams in Hillbilly-Elegie

The result is grotesque sketches instead of memories. The jumps in time in Hillbilly Elegy do not lead to a discussion of values ​​and problems. Instead, Ron has Howard shot a porn about poverty with its Oscar-hungry stars. If disposable plastic forks are washed like precious silver cutlery, the camera can’t get enough.

Hillbilly’s elegy executes a condescending stroking of the “indomitable lower class” on the surface. Whiten a principle Discomfort in dealing with suspended persons and remote. A discomfort that Tobe Hooper forced to emerge in incredibly strong images in his 1974 chainsaw massacre. Ohio is 2,000 kilometers from Texas. But the chainsaws have to be here too.

Hillbilly Elegy is now available to stream for Netflix subscribers.

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