Israel is fighting the measles epidemic, a small child has succumbed to the disease


JERUSALEM, Nov. 1 (TASR) – Israel is struggling with one of the worst measles outbreaks in the country in decades. Since the beginning of this year, local authorities have reported more than 1,200 cases of the disease, the AP agency reported.

Israeli media reported Thursday that an 18-month-old boy had died in a Jerusalem hospital due to complications related to measles. This is the first measles death in the country since 2003. The child has not been vaccinated.

The outbreak in Israel is occurring at a time when the World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting tens of thousands of cases in Europe.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease and a leading cause of death in young children around the world, according to WHO data. This disease can be prevented with vaccination.

In Israel, several ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups oppose vaccination. The local health ministry has stepped up its campaign in recent months to strengthen vaccination rates in unprotected communities, the AP added.


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