Ismailia Ministry of Health warns of dangerous fish … You know the details


The Ismailia Governorate Health Authority has launched a health education campaign to educate citizens about the dangers of poisonous rabbit fish (rodents), led by Dr. Saeed Al-Saqaan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, and under the supervision of Dr. Howaida Morsi, director of health culture, and the team.

Health education teams in the departments have begun to work according to the awareness plan in markets, clubs, schools, directorates of services, NGOs, government departments and meetings to educate and warn citizens of the danger of eating ticks poisonous.

Ismailia Health warned of the danger of ticks or rabbits, noting that they cause very severe gastrointestinal poisoning with tidrodotaxine.

The reason for calling it the “rabbit” fish is because it resembles it for the shape of the front of the teeth, as well as for the method of skinning it before eating it, following the fact that some people start to fish and sell it without knowing the danger for public health.

Ismailia’s health has confirmed that it is a poisonous fish and, although it is dangerous, it is not hostile. You breathe when you feel danger in preparation for the attack. The professional fisherman knows its shape and composition, and some of them usually get rid of it.

In Egypt, fish is considered forbidden to be caught, sold or traded on the market due to its toxicity and danger to the health of citizens and public health, it lives on the seabed and feeds on fish droppings.

Several years ago, the rodent was not present in large numbers in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, but its numbers have increased significantly in recent years.It was not present in the Mediterranean and fishermen did not know it in Alexandria, but rather migrated there from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal.

It explains the health of Ismailia, where the poison is found in fish, as it is found in the liver, intestines, skin, genitals and gills, and is not found in meat.

He emphasized the characteristics of the poisonous fish, with a grayish skin with dots and a head that accounts for more than a third of the body volume approximately, and these fish contain poisonous glands located in three different places on the body, where they are located under the skin, near the viscera and near the pith, and at the bottom of the head of this fish there A poisonous gland, if this gland bursts, it makes the whole body of the fish poisonous, and the liver of these fish is very toxic, and the toxic parts represent about 12-13% of the meat (the weight of the fish), of which 39 species live in salt water and 28 species in fresh water.

The reason for being toxic is because it feeds on toxic algae and the toxin in these fish is called tidrodotaxin and is produced in fish with special bacteria, and the toxin is found in the skin and viscera (ovaries, liver, stomach and intestines) and there is no poison in the flesh of these fish.

The toxic dose to humans is less than one milligram, and therefore this toxin is considered one of the deadliest toxins and is not affected by cooking.

Symptoms of poisoning vary from person to person depending on the amount consumed, and begin with the desire for a deep sleep that can reach more than 6 hours or the onset of numbness of the face, tongue and lips, as well as cases of diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness, and often reach the point of stopping the respiratory tract and the onset of death.

According to the dose, the first symptoms appear in the form of dizziness, sweating, numbness, itching and vomiting, and the more severe symptoms appear in the form: muscle pain, breathing problems, drop in blood pressure and paralysis leading to death from respiratory failure and death occurs within 6 to 8 hours.

The danger of the matter is that some fish sellers resort to skin that fish and sell it as a “fillet” so that the characteristics of the fish are hidden, and it is sold at very low prices, especially with street vendors.

In Egypt, the fish is grilled with its entrails, and due to the high temperature, the toxin is distributed to the fish’s muscles, and then it is poisoned.

Rodent or rabbit fish is one of the most toxic fish, due to its excretion of tetradoxine, which is a toxic substance equivalent to 1200 times the deadly substance cyanide, and one fish has an amount of toxins capable of killing 30 people.

Toxic substances also accumulate in the fish’s teeth due to the decomposition of its food, which includes a type of toxic green algae.

The venom of this fish is of the “tetradotoxin” type, which is concentrated in three different places, and some are tempted by that fish’s large liver and are taken with food.

If a housewife or fish vendor has tried to clean and skin them and has not carefully and carefully removed the poisonous glands from them, the one who eats them will die immediately, due to the severity of their toxicity, and there is no anti- serum. toxins.

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