Is wearing a mask every day dangerous to health? … A doctor responds


9:00 am

Wednesday 18 November 2020

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Dr. Bernhard Youngge Hulsing reported that wearing a daily face mask or medicated mouth and nose guard does not pose a health risk, on the contrary, it has many health benefits.
The German ENT doctor listed these benefits by keeping the breathing air warmer under the mask. In principle, this benefits the mucous membranes. Because it is protected from drying out due to exposure to cold or hot air.
According to an otolaryngologist, concerns based on the mask making a person more susceptible to infections and germs that come out of the mouth that are directly inhaled are unhealthy, just as wearing a cloth mouth and nose mask does not affect breathing to the point. from “threatening health”. “.
The doctor pointed out that there are no concerns about wearing masks for healthy children aged ten and over. Children six years of age and older can wear it, but they should be able to take it off at any time.
Many see wearing masks for a long time as a problem, for example at work or school, but experts believe this does not cause any problems. Surgeons work for 12 hours protecting the mouth and nose.
The fact that breathing through a mask seems uncomfortable and difficult is mainly due to psychological reasons, and often occurs when a lot of talk or physical exertion is required. When you feel this, it is advisable to breathe calmly and not to try to draw in more air, taking into account the pauses by removing the mask.
For those with “moderate physical work”, the period of wearing a mask should not exceed a maximum of two hours at a time, so it should be removed for half an hour.


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