iPhone 12 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: Which Is More Powerful?


iPhone 12 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra? WHAT TO CHOOSE? In the smartphone segment it is normal to have comparisons at the most disparate levels. By standards, specifications, equipment resistance, chambers, and even processing power are compared.

In the battle of performance, which will be the most powerful, the device from Apple or Samsung? Watch the video.

iPhone 12 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: Which Is More Powerful?

In the middle of Black Friday and as Christmas approaches, it's time to start choosing gifts. For those who love high-end smartphones, there is a huge range of equipment on the market and the hardest thing is to choose. With the launch of the iPhone 12 new questions arise, among the most powerful, which one to choose?

A video was recently shared on the SpeedTest G YouTube channel comparing the performance of the iPhone 12 with the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.

iPhone 12 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: Who Wins in Performance?

As you can see in the video, the iPhone clearly wins the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra ... and the progress is still significant. According to the shared results, in the CPU test the iPhone 12 finishes the task in 32.5 seconds while the Note 20 Ultra takes 38 seconds.

In the case of the GPU, the Apple equipment performed the task in 13.5 seconds and the Samsung equipment took 16.4 seconds. In terms of final results, the Note 20 Ultra took another 13 seconds, compared to the Apple device, to perform tasks. The time difference seems small, but remember that the tests lasted just over a minute, thus making a significant difference.

iPhone 12 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: Which Is More Powerful?

Recall that at the SoC level, the Apple device comes with the bionic A14, while the Samsung device comes with the SoC Snapdragon 865+. Both machines are quite powerful and therefore belong to the premium segment.

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