iOS 14.2 brings FaceTime to 1080p resolution on older iPhones


iPhone ios 14.2 facetime 1080p

iOS 14.2 has been released to users around the world with a new feature being offered secretly to people, with Apple making a change that is more than likely beneficial to many people right now, and that’s because the Coronavirus pandemic lasts a long time. world in homes.

iOS 14.2 gives older iPhone models the ability to make FaceTime calls with a resolution of 1080p, this feature is implemented on iPhone8 and older models on which this version of the operating system can still be installed.

iOS 14.2 brings a huge improvement to the quality of video calls made by users, especially in the case of older models of iPhone phones, where the noticeable improvement in the quality of FaceTime calls is very easily perceptible.

However, iOS 14.2 limits this resolution for FaceTime calls only when iPhone phones are connected to a Wi-Fi network, with the exception of the new iPhone 12 series, for which the feature is also offered via a 5G mobile network.

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