Invitation to a targeted screening at the P’tite Grenouille de Rimouski


(Alexandre D’Astous) –Bas-Saint-Laurent Regional Director of Public Health, Dr Sylvain Leduc, calls for targeted screening for COVID-19 from all people who have attended the bar The little frog in Rimouski on 12, 13 and 14 November.

This invitation is also addressed to people who have attended private parties on the same dates.

Currently, five people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in connection with this outbreak. Epidemiological investigations continue to trace all significant contacts of confirmed cases. Dr Sylvain Leduc also requires everyone’s cooperation in the investigation: “The effectiveness of our actions in the field of public health depends largely on the information that is shared with us. To break the chain of transmission, we need to track down everyone who has been potentially exposed to the virus and isolate them, if applicable. If you get a call from public health, I ask you to cooperate with us, “he says. All people who have received public health isolation instructions must comply with them.

To take the test

Those wishing to undergo a screening test can do so at the Rimouski screening clinic, located at 288, rue Pierre-Saindon. The opening hours will be extended until 11pm today and tomorrow. The situation will be re-evaluated in the coming days. It is also highly recommended that you make an appointment at 1 877 644-4545.

In addition, all persons who believe they have been exposed to the virus or in contact with persons exposed to the virus and / or who are awaiting a screening result should be placed in isolation.

Finally, remember that the rules to follow to limit the spread of the virus can be summarized as follows: stay home if symptoms occur, keep a physical distance of two (2) meters, wear a face cover in public places, wash regularly . hands and limit contact.

People suffering from stress, anxiety, or distress can call 811, option 2 for psychosocial support.

Photo: Dr Sylvain Leduc. (Screenshot of the photo Alexandre D’Astous)

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