Increased suicide attempts among Sarthe youth due to the health crisis


The health crisis has a very negative impact on the mental health of the French. Since this summer, the Sarthe Public Mental Health Institute has observed an influx of patients.

From July and August“, confirms Marianne Piron-Prunier, psychiatrist at the public mental health institute of Sarthe, “while at the beginning of the health crisis, we have noticed a decline in the number of patients“.

The young, the first affected

We have an increase in requests for consultancy and _hospitalization_, sometimes for heavy treatments, and this demand is only now increasing“explains Dr. Piron-Prunier.”We are struck to see that the patients we know decompensate, have heavy and complex disorders“.

Their _crack__, due to stress, imprisonment, but also the fear of death and illness. We are also seeing an increase in anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances and suicide attempts among young people. “

The second confinement is more difficult for young people than the first“, assures Marianne Piron-Prunier.

This is a second break period _social connections_, activities. For students this translates into great difficulty in projecting themselves into the future, near or further.“, keep it going.

The elderly, also at risk

The seniors they are another category of the population that suffers a lot psychologically from this health crisis.

It is a break in social ties, a greater isolation. There will also be an impact on them and we will receive older people in a state of high stress.“confirms the psychiatrist, for example, when a couple with coronavirus is hospitalized, and that one of the two can come home before the other

Psychological disorders related to the economic crisis

The health crisis is already wreaking havoc within the French economy, with employees losing their jobs, companies forced to close. Many stressful situations likely to create psychological disturbances in the people concerned.

Anything that can rob us of work, including job prospects and income, is a major source of stress. Among those we receive and emphasize the most, there are some who have already done so _financial difficulties_, except it’s getting worse today“, concludes Mr. Piron-Prunier.

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