Including Vitamins A, E, C and D in Your Diet Can Help Prevent Respiratory Disorders – Study Results


The importance of a balanced diet is not unknown to the world. Proper nutrition plays a key role in building a strong and fit mind and body. It also helps to strengthen the immune system, which further reduces the risk of several viral infections. On a related note, nutrients like Vitamin A, E, C, and D have long been considered ideal for immune health. In addition to their benefit, the American Nutrition Association suggests that a high intake of these vitamins may also help prevent respiratory infections. The findings were published online in the BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health journal.

The researchers looked at data provided by 6115 adult participants who had completed three or more days of diet diaries. They looked at the participants’ food intake (from both diet and supplements) and separated the data based on several potentially influencing factors such as age, gender, weight (BMI), smoking, household income, and total energy intake.

The results showed that there were 33 cases of respiratory disorders and all of them were older adults who were less likely to consume regular supplements of vitamins A, E, C or D. However, there was not such an obvious association between BMI. and vitamin intake, or between BMI and respiratory disorders.

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According to the researchers, “This is an observational study and, as such, it is not possible to establish the cause, other than which the number of respiratory ailments was small, which means that no conclusions can be drawn about the coronavirus pandemic.”


“More research is needed to assess the implications of the current study in the context of the current coronavirus disease pandemic using data from longitudinal cohorts,” they added.

Taking these points into consideration, let’s say, we include the right kind of nutrients in our daily diet for overall nourishment.


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