Including having a cup of tea .. 10 things to do before bed if you want



Monday 09 November 2020

I wrote – Shaima Morsi:

Many people strive to gain an ideal weight and there are many things that can be done before bed to lose weight, according to “eathis”.

1- Understand how important sleep is for weight loss:

To turn sleep into a key moment for weight loss, you need to realize how important it is to get a good night’s sleep to improve and regulate all body functions, including how heat energy is used and stored.

Hunger hormones (leptin and ghrelin) play an important role, leptin helps regulate energy levels and keep appetite low, while ghrelin stimulates hunger and often leads to the need to eat, and people who sleep more plus they have reduced ghrelin and increased leptin levels, which helps control appetite throughout the day.

2- Have a cup of tea:

Naturally decaffeinated red tea comes from the leaves of the “red bush” plant grown in South Africa, and what makes rooibos tea especially good for your stomach is the one powerful flavonoid called Aspalathin.

Research shows that this compound can reduce stress hormones that lead to hunger and fat storage, making rooibos one of the best fat burning foods.

3- Eat cheese:

Some cheese should be eaten before bed, not only is it rich in casein protein which slows the digestive process, but also contains the amino acid tryptophan which promotes sleep.

4- Follow a routine:

By doing the same thing every night, for at least an hour before bed, you are effectively planning your sleep stimuli. These triggers could include writing your sleep diary or eating a cheese snack. Over time, your brain will begin to associate these things with bedtime, which helps burn fat.

5- Do some resistance training:

Simple exercises before bed can really help improve the weight lost while sleeping.

6- Eat some mint.

A study, published in the Journal of Neurology and Orthopedics, found that people who inhaled mint every two hours were able to lose weight.

7- get rid of the night light:

According to a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, exposure to light during the night not only prevents your chances of sleeping peacefully, but can also lead to weight gain, in addition, people who sleep in dark rooms. darker people are 21% less likely to develop obesity. %, Compared to those who sleep in the brightest room.

8- hide your phone:

The more electronic devices we use in the bedroom, the greater the percentage of obesity we get, especially among children, and a study in the journal Pediatric Obesity found that children who love the night glow of a television or computer don’t rest. enough and suffer from bad lifestyle habits.

9. Breathe through the nose:

This will not only improve your sleep, but it will also improve everyone else’s sleep in hearing.Secondly, it provides more oxygen, so that you can take deep breaths that help relax your body.

10. Plan small, consistent meals throughout the day.

Eating small, nutrient-rich meals frequently throughout the day will help maintain your metabolism rate and keep your body burning fat throughout the night. Plus, eating more often will ensure your appetite is kept down. control, reducing your cravings. when you wake up.


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