In the time of Corona … Health recommends eating fish twice a week


The Ministry of Health and Population has stated in its health eating awareness publications that fish improves memory performance and cognitive abilities, and therefore the Ministry recommends that it be eaten twice a week.

On Monday, the ministry said in its awareness leaflet that fish contains omega-3s, which improve memory performance and cognitive abilities, and for this reason it is recommended to eat it regularly twice a week.

The most important benefits of eating fish

Fish has great benefits for the health of the body and we offer you from the Plus content the most important of these benefits that make us focus on making the consumption of fish a pillar of our diet.

1- Promotes the growth and functioning of the brain and nerve cells

Fish contains omega-3, essential fatty acids and minerals necessary for nerve growth, and is also suitable for nerve growth in particular and the brain in the fetus for pregnant women, also increases memory, concentration and various processes mental health and protects against the risks of Alzheimer’s disease for the elderly.

2- Support heart health

The high presence of essential fatty acids in fish makes it an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health, as well as lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attacks and lowering harmful cholesterol in the blood.

3- Protection from arthritis

Fish is the most important source of omega-3, which plays an important role in reducing the risk of arthritis, rheumatoiditis and psoriasis.

4- Maintenance of blood sugar levels

Eating fish helps maintain normal blood sugar levels for diabetics.

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