In Senegal, research continues to understand the origin of the fishermen’s disease


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In Senegal, the first analyzes were carried out to understand this “mysterious dermatological disease” which has affected more than 600 fishermen, covered with pustules on their hands, face and genitals. If “the almost permanent presence of phthalic acid, sulfur, benzene acid and hexadecanoic acid” is confirmed, these products cannot explain the proliferation of these buttons in fishermen.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Thea Ollivier

Sea water taken from suspicious areas, but also fish and fishermen’s equipment such as gloves: everything was screened by the Regional Center for Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.

Result: four substances were actually detected, but they do not explain the mysterious dermatological disease of fishermen, assures Marie Khemesse Ndiaye, Director of Health at the Ministry of Health:

No pesticide drug residues have been observed in quantities that can cause these lesions. For example, sulfur is a lung problem, but we have not encountered respiratory problems in fishermen, only dermatological. Chemicals are not indicted at the moment, research continues.

If fishing, suspended for three days, was able to resume this weekend, no new cases have yet been declared, reassures Marie Khemesse Ndiaye. “ The patients left the facilities, they healed well but we are continuing the active research, no secondary cases and yet no contamination of the population.

The research will now focus on algae and nets, as fishermen continue to blame the water pollution. The disease was the first discovered in Thiaroye, on the outskirts of Dakar. But cases have also been discovered in the Thies region, on the Petite Côte and in Saint Louis.


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