I’m Betty the Ugly | Chapter 25 – Part 1


The judge and secretary approach the company’s premises to notify the situation.

19 November 2020 21:00By: canalrcn.com

Nicolás (Mario Duarte) tries to communicate with Betty (Ana María Orozco) and calls her to Ecomdoa, but Armando (Jorge Enrique Abello) is the one who answers.

As Daniel and Armando’s family enters Ecomoda, Dr. Sánchez arrives to notify the company of the embargo.

Wilson tells Aura María (Estefanía Gómez) that they are about to kidnap Ecomoda, but Betty clarifies the situation.

Armando starts the board of directors and Roberto takes advantage of the moment to ask the son of the lords of the embargo.

Betty submits the report to the Board of Directors.


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