Huge surprise from Chef at Knives. What Florin Dumitrescu surprised everyone with


Great surprise in the 35th edition of season 8 of the show “Chef with knives”! Gina Pistol announced that, at the color test, each team will have to cook a special dish, taking great care of the ingredients chosen. The timer hasn’t even started well, because Florin Dumitrescu has announced which amulet he uses, reports Antena 1.

Gina Pistol announced in the 35th edition of season 8 of the show Chefs with knives on Antena 1 a test that is not at all simple! In practice, each team had to choose two colors, the only ones that could be used on the plate to be tasted by the jury of this edition, made up of young students, vloggers or bloggers, champions of extreme sports.

Florin Dumitrescu used two amulets

“My amulet says that I have the right to take any amulet I want from a colleague and use it on the spot,” Florin Dumitrescu announced. He stopped thinking and quickly went to the place where Cătălin Scarlătescu kept his amulets and chose an extremely strong one.

Proud and satisfied with the move, he chose to use the bonus that allows him to block a competitor for each opposing team, throughout the test.

And then comes a blow! Florin chose to block Cristian Boca (Scărlătescu’s golden knife) and Vlăduț Manoliu from Sorin Bontea’s team. As expected, these movements disarmed the opposing teams and the cooks had to regroup.

Chef Florin Dumitrescu and chef Scarlatescu had a fight

At the penultimate edition of the show, the script was just as exciting. The competitors of the 3 chefs had to create sets worthy of a bairam from the 80s and 90s. It sounds easy at first glance, but considering that some of the contestants were just kids in the 1980s, the task proved to be quite difficult. This is how Dumitrescu and Scarlatescu quarreled like at the door of the tent.

At one point, Florin Dumitrescu was extremely pleased that on his plate there will even be sausages cut at the ends, in the shape of a cross. He wanted to share the discovery with his friend Scarlatescu, but, very focused on what he was about to do, Scarlatescu sent Florin for a walk and didn’t even listen to him. “Officially, from this moment, Cătălin Scarlătescu no longer exists for me!”, confessed chef Florin Dumitrescu,

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