HTTPS-only mode, the latest in security in Firefox


Firefox introduces HTTPS-only mode

Keep the safety when we surf the net it is very important. There are many factors that can affect system security in one way or another. Therefore, we must always take into account the security options present.

When accessing a website, we can see that the option is available HTTP or HTTPS. This is what differs from an encrypted and theoretically secure site from another where our data will not be safe. Whenever we access or send any type of information, we must ensure that this site is encrypted.

Now Firefox 83 will have HTTPS only mode. This means that when you go to a page, when you click on a link, the encrypted option will always prevail. This logically provides a security and privacy plus.

Currently, most web pages are HTTPS. However, many maintain links within the site which also redirect to the old version, the unencrypted HTTP version. Users could also access the web directly in the old version. This gets us into unencrypted connections and there may be problems.

Always HTTPS mode or Firefox HTTPS-only mode what it will do is automatically open the encrypted version. For example, if we click on an HTTP link, it will automatically take us to the encrypted version without the old version opening.

This is a feature that many users of this browser have expected. Until now we had third-party extensions available that have the same functionality, but now we will have it as an integrated function in the browser itself. Users who wish can use it.

How to enable HTTPS only mode in Firefox

Always enable HTTPS mode in the Firefox browser it is very simple. We simply have to follow a series of steps that we will mention and from that point on we can always browse encrypted.

The first thing we need to do is open Firefox. Please note that it is available from version 83. From now on we can change it to Firefox Nightly. Once inside we have to go to the menu (top right) and enter Options.

Next we have to go to the section of Privacy and security. There we have to go to the bottom and we will find the HTTPS only mode. We can choose the option we want Firefox to behave this way.

HTTPS only way on Firefox

After following these steps, just tap restart the browser. The changes we have made will take effect.

In short, Firefox’s HTTPS-only mode is a feature that provides more security and privacy when browsing the web. A feature that many users expected. This will give us more security, for example, to avoid session hijacking.

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