How will the price of Ripple coins fare in the first week of 2019?

Short-term value forecasts XRP: how will the price of Ripple coins in the first week of 2019 be

Let's take a look at some of XRP's short-term value forecasts while Ripple seems to start 2019 with a bang

Now that the overall market sentiment towards the cryptography sector has eased again, many casual enthusiasts are trying to figure out what the future holds for XRP. So, without further ado, let's take a look at some of the short-term price forecasts that have been made by famous traders in relation to this premier altcoin:

The future looks good for XRP

According to XRP The forecasts on prices recently released by JFD Research, the current upward trend shown by the first 5 altcoins are nothing short of promising. However, with that said, it remains to be determined whether this positive upward movement is sustainable and whether the digital currency can continue to grow over the next few days and weeks.

xrp price

As can be seen above, in line with the forecasts made by JFD Research, the price of XRP has just exceeded the threshold of $ 0.39.

XRP shows recurring and bullish patterns

As many enthusiasts of encryption already know, most financial activities tend to show recurrent economic patterns that in most cases seem to indicate something bigger.

For example, XRP of The table of values ​​of Tilen Tradershub (which was shown below) seems to indicate that the price of the encrypted currency may be on the edge of a breakout soon.

xrp price table 2

It is also worth noting that the last time the model shown was seen, the value of XRP rose to $ 0.56. That said, it is worth asking the question "Is it really space for such a massive change?". This is because the market in general still has more than a few bearish signals to contend with.

Is a price inversion for XRP coming?

Second respected online trader easyMarketsThe immediate future of XRP is nothing short of obscure. To begin with, the analyst believes that the market reversal could occur in XRP mode, which could establish a potential resistance level of $ 0.376 for the currency.

As a result of this, the 5-altcoin top-5 could once again go into a crisis as overcoming the above level of resistance could be a challenge to say the least (especially considering the current state of the market). Last but not least, easyMarkets also predicted that a mistake in overcoming this level could potentially postpone the value of XRP to around $ 0.306.

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