How to strengthen your immune system with the right foods


October 28, 2020 – 4:59 pm Clock

Coronavirus: what can I do to repel viruses?

Autumn has arrived and with it the concern of contracting the coronavirus in the cold season. Because if our immune system is weakened, viruses and other pathogens get away with it easily. After all, we know that people with previous illnesses and a weakened immune system are particularly affected by the virus. We give tips on how to strengthen your immune system during the corona pandemic.

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Why is a strong immune system now more important than ever?

Pathogens that our immune system is unaware of, such as the new type of coronavirus, pose a particular challenge to our immune system, because SARS-CoV-2 is completely new to our body and has no experience with this virus. “That is why it is all the more important to take the right measures to strengthen our immune system so that the viruses that attack our body can be fought in the best possible way,” confirms health expert Dr. Picchio.

Are there any foods that are particularly useful against coronavirus?

There are no foods that prevent Covid-19 infection. You can also do without food supplements with a clear conscience. Whether in the form of vitamin tablets, as an herbal extract or as a capsule with minerals, there is currently no means to prevent or cure COVID-19. Dr. Specht urges people to go back to the tried and tested: “There are no magic drugs for a strong immune system. Many people don’t want to hear it, but it’s actually that simple: eat a balanced diet, don’t smoke and most of all: sleep a lot!”

Strengthen the immune system – you should incorporate these foods into your menu more often

A large number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements are involved in a balanced diet that provides a strong immune system. To cover some of the most important ones through your diet, you should regularly include the following foods in your diet:


Oatmeal is a totally underestimated superfood. They contain many important minerals – including zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron – as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, K and E. The grain-based food thus helps support our nervous system, promote the formation of red blood cells and protect the body protect against oxidative stress, which can weaken the immune system.


Carrots contain provitamin beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Among other things, vitamin A is important for the healthy function of the immune system and for the health of the skin and mucous membranes.

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Lentils contain B vitamins that strengthen the nerves and the trace element copper, which protects cells from free radicals.

RECIPE TIP: Dal lentils and spinach – healthy cooking thanks to Ayurveda.

Did you know? Broccoli contains even more vitamin C than citrus, even after cooking! The body needs vitamin C, among other things, to protect itself from free radicals and to strengthen connective tissue. The vitamin plays an important role in the immune system, mainly due to its antioxidant properties.


Mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin D, which strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight pathogens. This is a good reason to use foods containing vitamin D more often. In the form of dietary supplements, however, it should only be taken in consultation with a doctor, as the vitamin can quickly become overdosed. “Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. If there is an excess, the body does not excrete it but stores it in the adipose tissue,” explains Dr. Woodpecker.

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Eggs contain a large number of vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. These include vitamins A, B, D, E and K, as well as minerals such as calcium and iron and the trace element selenium. But what about eggs and bad cholesterol? Researchers still do not fully agree on this point. In any case, the Federal Center for Nutrition recommends consuming no more than three eggs per week.

Dietary fiber strengthens our immune system and our lungs

It is therefore worthwhile to specifically support the immune system with certain foods. A high-fiber diet, in particular, can help strengthen one’s defense system against lung disease, according to a University of Nebraska study. According to this, people who eat high-fiber diets exhibit much better lung function than others.

The researchers found that 70% of the study group who consumed a lot of fiber and consumed a lot of fiber had healthy lung function. In the other study group, people who consumed very little fiber, the value was only 50%. Furthermore, just under 15% of fiber lovers suffered from respiratory problems. In the low-fiber group, however, it was nearly 30 percent.

What foods should we eat to get enough fiber?

Most of the fiber is found in plant-based foods, particularly in grain-based products such as wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, and brown rice. But fruits, vegetables, potatoes and legumes also contain a lot of fiber. Read here what other foods you can find sufficient fiber in.

Sunlight also strengthens the immune system

Dr. Specht externally advises that you keep an eye on your vitamin D level. Older people, in particular, should make sure they have enough daylight. Because when sunlight hits the skin, the body starts making vitamin D. And that’s good for our immune system. “Go out as often as possible, even on cloudy days. Because again, vitamin D production is still good. You don’t have to walk naked, but your forearm and head should already be free,” advises the health expert.

A mouthwash should reduce the risk of crown infection

Virologists at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum have found that the number of coronaviruses in an infected person’s oropharynx can be reduced by using some mouthwashes. You can read here if this actually prevents infection.


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