How to activate God mode in Windows 10 and get more out of this system


Microsoft doesn’t always reveal all the secrets it gets in Windows, keeping some to itself. These are eventually discovered later and then disseminated to all who use this system.

This is exactly what happened with God Mode, which has been in this system for several years. Windows 10 also has this mode in mind, which can be easily activated. Let’s remember how you can get this tool in the latest version of Windows.

Windows God Mode Microsoft System Shortcuts

Tirar ainda mais do sistema da Microsoft

Foi há vários anos, no Windows 7, que o God Mode foi revelado, sendo usado por muitos desde esse momento. Este é um conjunto de atalhos para as melhores e mais importantes opções de configuração do Windows.

A Microsoft tem mantido este modo nas versões que se seguiram, sendo sempre simples de ativar, como seria esperado. Curiosamente, o modo de ativar o God Mode tem sido mantido, garantindo uma transição simples para os utilizadores.

Windows God Mode Microsoft System Shortcuts

God Mode no Windows 10

Para terem este modo presente, devem clicar com o botão direito do rato em qualquer parte do desktop. No menu de contexto que for aberto devem escolher primeiro a opção Novo e depois Pasta. O nome a dar a essa pasta é especial:


An icon with the name GodMode and an image associated with the system management will immediately appear. This is what will give you access to these special Windows shortcuts that you want to use to set it up better and more efficiently.

Windows God Mode Microsoft System Shortcuts

A group of essential shortcuts

Upon opening, you will see the 209 options present in God Mode to change the Windows configuration. These are organized by type and category, making it even easier to find the options you want to improve Microsoft's system.

This is one of the more interesting options that Microsoft has provided to Windows and has maintained over the years. The main shortcuts you need and want to use to get more out of Windows are gathered in one interface.

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